Friday, October 3, 2008

did you catch the VP debates?

Last night, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin went head to head. They talked about energy, the war in Iraq, Sarah's mantra of "drill baby drill" (and how we wouldnt see any of the oil for another 10 years), their kids (Joe -almost- shed a tear!), the economic crisis, what they would do as prez if "the unthinkable happened" (oh, we've all thought about that), and a little bit about gay marrige (which sarah agreed with joe COMPLETELY on.)

one thing to note: she DID screw up!
"During the debate Sarah Palin made the point of talking about a potential surge strategy in Afghanistan and mentioned the commanding general in Afghanistan as being "General McClellan." Pundits criticized Biden's omission of the General's name until it was discovered the General's name is in fact McKiernan." (wikipedia)

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